Friday, August 5, 2011

Happy Campers!

What a terrific first week of bringing the Big Heart Art experience to Blue Lotus Studio in Evanston. I am so grateful for the opportunity to promote your daughter's creativity through art-making in this truly inspirational environment.

Contact Daisy at (312)714-6510 or for information on how your daughter can join the fun!

This happy camper commented, "At first, I was worried it was going to take forever to make this basket. I kept working on it even though it was hard. It got easier. I did it and I love it!"

"Now I have an idea what to do with the sewing scraps I have at home!"

These girls definitely have big hearts!

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Working Hands, Warm Hearts

Monday, July 25, 2011

Learning to create a nurturing environment

When I see a beautifully glazed piece of pottery, I will examine it, delve into the patterns and colors, wonder how it was made... and eventually consider if the novice potter in me could replicate the technique. This joy of examining pottery inspired me to recreate the delightful sensation in my painting experience. Most of my paintings start out as layers of washes that bear a strong resemblance to glossy ceramic glazes running together on a surface.

By providing a relaxing space for girls to be creatively free and work collaboratively, I believe I'm giving them an opportunity to experience the beauty of self-nurture among peers. My intention is for these experiences to inspire every girl to recreate her own nurturing environments as she moves into healthy adolescence and adulthood.

For more information on Big Heart Art adventures for girls, please contact Daisy at (312)714-6510 or by e-mail: