Sunday, November 18, 2012

Creativity Growing... Monday mornings

Could the code for creating you loving your life be hidden in your next art project? I believe it is! There was a time I deemed the only worthy art was made by trained artists and housed in museums. From that point of view, I deprived myself from painting, something I actually love to do. When I got past my limited thinking, I realized that my resistance to being an artist was an impeccable metaphor for anything that had ever held me back from reaching out for many of my dreams in life. Now, I love art-making more than ever... and I am jumping out of my seat to share with you the tools and insights that have helped me get past many, many, creative blocks! I facilitate creative women's groups in Evanston inspired by Julia Cameron's The Artist's Way , and Sonia Choquette's Your Heart's Desire and True Balance. We have a lot of fun discovering our quirky blocks, experimenting with a variety of materials, and turning preconceived ideas about talent and art around. We would love to have you join us! We currently meet Monday mornings, 9am-11am. $175 for five weeks.

Please send your enrollment requests or questions to Daisy at I look forward to hearing from you!

You can also stop by the Big Heart Art table at the Evanston Ecology Center (McCormick Blvd. just west of Greenbay Rd.) on Friday, December 7th, from 3pm-8pm, for the Homegrown Artists' Holiday Bazaar. I would love to meet you in person!

Happy Holidays!!